
In case anyone has a burning desire to read any of the work that fills my earning hours, here’s a small selection. Small, it should be noted, not because I haven’t written much copy over the decades, but because remarkably little of it has ended up in an online archive. [NB: many links are broken or out of date. The internet…]

The Independent

I break into the nationals with an exciting UK broadband round-up for an Indie technology supplement. Naturally, given my criticism of the Independent’s subbing standards, someone inserted a subbing error.

Director magazine

I hang out with captains of industry. They even return my phone calls.

Packaging News

Thrill to my coverage of PET drinks bottles and paper recycling. (see this search)


The bleeding edge of digital marketing. A decade or so ago anyway. (Though it’s a shame they haven’t managed to upload their older content properly. Many articles are in this Google search, sadly locked behind a paywall.)

As and when I can get hold of some PDFs from my work on Dorling Kindersley’s 1000 CEOs book, I’ll put those up too. (Hey, isn’t it Christmas soon? Snap one up for your loved one’s stocking now!)

I’ll put up some more links as they become available. Because I know you’d really like to see them.