Web design using CSS
This is the beginning of a guide to web design using cascading style sheets (CSS) in a content management system (CMS) framework. It will develop over time with more resources.
- Which fonts can you use in your web design?
When you’re fiddling around with cascading style sheets (CSS), remember that there are very few fonts you can use.
This is because you web page needs to be readable by everyone who may find it.
So you can only assume visitors to your site have the basic fonts installed for their Windows PC or Mac OS computer. Which are quite limited.
Here is a good introduction to this topic, giving a chart of the usable fonts. READ AND LEARN!
- Good introduction to CSS
If you want to explore CSS a bit more, CSS In Easy Steps is user friendly and well set out. It looks particularly good and approachable for beginners.
Advanced users may want to try something like CSS: The Missing Manual – which comes highly recommended by Amazon reviewers at least.