Friday, November 5th, 2010

Everybody out!

In solidarity with oppressed comrades at the BBC, Freelance Unbound is going on a 48-hour strike. Obviously if there was a simple “no update” strategy, visitors to the site might make the mistake of assuming I just hadn’t got round to writing a new post. So here is a special “On strike” update, that in […]

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

UK election coverage 2010: Twitter vs the BBC

Just for the hell of it, I spent last Thursday night’s election on Twitter (on TweetDeck, since you ask – thanks for the tip, Soilman). At the same time, I watched the BBC’s new coverage. I wanted to see what value, if any, each one had in following and understanding the events of the night. […]

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

Counting alternative votes before they’re cast

It’s interesting to see this from the BBC, which has some handy interactive digital graphics on its web site to show how the different voting systems work, in the run-up to most likely adopting one. What I want to know is how on earth they can apply the alternative vote system to the 2010 result, when […]

Friday, September 18th, 2009

Murdoch good, BBC bad

For all his BBC connections, culture secretary Ben Bradshaw says the BBC has got too big for its boots and that News Corp boss James Murdoch raised “legitimate questions and […] genuine concerns” about its range and influence in his MacTaggart lecture at the Edinburgh TV festival last month. Could this have anything to do […]