Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

Want a food writing book deal? You need to establish yourself as a blogger first

Anyone who fancies the glory, riches and kudos of becoming a published author should listen to Sunday’s fascinating BBC 4 Food Programme on food writing. Much of the focus was on ground-breaking 1950s food writer Elizabeth David, but at about the 24-minute mark came this from food critic and publisher Tim Hayward: In the past […]

Monday, March 29th, 2010

Today’s shameless plug: The Trusted

It turns out that my friend and regular Freelance Unbound commenter Mel is at more-or-less the cutting edge of publishing. Apart from the time she spends as a welcome gadfly here, it turns out she is a secret novelist. In fact, I’ve just received her latest (well, first) outing through the post after ordering it […]

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

Missing the point about e-books

Woman in Black author Susan Hill spectacularly misses the point about e-books in this piece from the Spectator. On the way, she does make some insightful observations about the way that bookshops are facing up to the threat posed by internet sales and digital distribution. In fact, small, independent bookshops may be better placed to […]

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

Why library Quick Choice stacks suck

Just popped along to the otherwise excellent Shoe Lane Library in the City of London to see if I could find the latest Scarlett Thomas, or maybe something by Lauren Groff, whose story L. Debard and Aliette in The Atlantic‘s fiction issue a few years ago was just fantastic, I thought.  Sadly, what I wanted wasn’t on the […]