Thursday, July 9th, 2009

Financial meltdown – a headline montage

I’ve been meaning to put this together for a while. They’re more or less sequential and all in chronological order. Sadly a whole pile of papers I was collecting got ditched when I turned my back, but this crop pretty much reeks of the fear and loathing that infected the City at the end of […]

Monday, June 29th, 2009

Summer reading suggestions for journalism students #1

A little while ago, I suggested journalism students should read Raymond Chandler instead of just reading journalism. But I also promised some suggestions for really good journalistic writing to read. (Well, it’s summer, so what better way to relax on the beach?) I’ve got two suggestions – one, which I’ll look at today, is a […]

Friday, June 5th, 2009

The wisdom of crowds

Just because it’s Friday and I’m taking it easy, here’s a link to my newly published feature on prediction markets for Director magazine. It’s nice that I can start pointing to some reasonably high-profile material on the web in my portfolio. For some reason much of the rest of my work of the past two […]

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

One journalist understands the new media reality

To celebrate a tiny milestone in the progress of Freelance Unbound – the 100th post – here’s an item by a journalist who has gone over to the dark side and set up a site whose purpose is – gasp! – to make money from web media. Julia Scott left a newspaper job to set […]