Monday, February 28th, 2011

Cashback for Interns: what are workies really worth? A parable of economics

There’s quite a heated exchange going on over at FleetStreetBlues on the NUJ’s Cashback for Interns campaign here, here and here. I think we all need to go and clear our heads. Let’s go for a nice walk in the country. Let’s pretend it’s August. I don’t know about you, but I fancy a few […]

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

When FOI requests are no substitute for real journalism

Here’s a great post on FleetStreetBlues about a Guardian story on the lack of ethnic minority representation at Oxford and Cambridge universities. Alongside the reported difficulty of black and minority ethnic students to gain admission to Oxford and Cambridge, the Guardian reported: “The FOI data also shows that of more than 1,500 academic and lab […]