Monday, November 7th, 2011

Posterous as a student journalism blogging platform – a review

This year at UCA Farnham, we are using Posterous as our first-year multiplatform journalism unit blogging tool. Halfway into the semester, how is it working out? Not badly, actually. Here are the pros and cons. Cons first. Cons That Posterous redesign that happened in September. Oh, how that sucked. There’s a pretty good account here […]

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Using Posterous as a first-year student journalism teaching tool

It may be only July, but online journalism lecturers are eagerly preparing for the next intake of wide-eyed undergraduates in October. There has been a lot of change on the online journalism course at UCA in Farnham. For example, we’ve started using a group news site based on WordPress for first year students in semester […]

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

Is Tumblr in trouble? Warning signs for free Web 2.0 tools…

Kathy Gill writes on Wired Pen that Tumblr has removed its RSS import tool. So Tumblr users can’t use the platform to aggregate content, and as a result she finds it “far less useful”. It could also mean Tumblr is far less secure financially. The telling quote is from Tumblr’s own customer services: In order […]