Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Tales from the trade press: ‘soft’ features can be harder than you think

I suspect that most journalists and journalism students assume that the toughest feature assignments are for the nationals – hard-hitting investigative exposes of political corruption, say – or for dirt-digging celebrity magazines. All that hanging around in the pouring rain at 3am to catch Ashley Cole in a compromising SMS incident, maybe, or pretending to […]

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Using research as the basis for a story: a guide

I slated recent BBC (and other) coverage of a survey on how children seem to be failing to learn to talk. Luckily for the media, here’s a handy guide from pressure group Panos on how to approach research to create better journalism. Panos has its own agenda, of course (promoting “the participation of poor and […]

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

Tales from the trade press: the opposite of greenwash

Everyone in journalism knows about greenwash – where companies or governments talk big about their environmental credentials, but actually fail to deliver. Weirdly, I’ve just been experiencing the exact opposite (what’s that even called?). In my real freelance life – where I write stuff for people that I’ll actually get paid for, unlike here – […]