Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Poll snafu

For some reason the poll on the right has lost its questions – at least in Safari. No idea why – maybe it’s a WordPress glitch. I planned to keep it running to the end of the month, but if I can’t get it fixed I’ll have to close it early… UPDATE: Must just have […]

Friday, February 27th, 2009

More on in-blog Twittering

The Twitter feed seems to have settled down and be updating regularly, thankfully. It’s interesting being able to get these two technologies to talk to each other. Whether the content of the Tweets is actually worth anything is another matter of course. But I’ve already clicked through to an interesting piece on how an item […]

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

Teaching web audio and video

Just got my first sessional lecturing gig at Southampton Solent – teaching first-year journalism students about web audio and video. I’m pretty pleased about this, as it was the result of a spec email I sent to the course leader. Which goes to show it’s always worth punting for work – you never know who’ll […]