Friday, July 17, 2009...10:09 am

Some more scoop on LivingScoop

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LivingScoopA little while ago I posted about a strange invitation I received to join LivingScoop. This was, apparently, a video-sharing vehicle aimed specifically at journalists, citizen or otherwise:

A very good place for training, improving and to promote and value your creativity, skills and audaciousness whether you are a journalist (student, rookie or experienced), a reporter or a simple witness of what is happening in everyday life whatever the country you are in.

Desite having something of the flavour of a 419 scam, I duly signed up to see what would happen.
Nothing, it turned out, for a month or so.  
But now – ooh, look. Here’s a shiny new web site to play with. Doesn’t seem to be much in the way of content here, though – and what there is is not from the US or the UK. Which is kind of interesting.
But I love the mission statement:

One of our characteristics is to enjoy the daily immersion in the rustlings and silences of the world, and taste its fevers or inhale the discreet scent of its hashes.

Whatever they’re on, I’d like to try some. Jeez – there’s more:

We like the idea that the world is an experience: the Adventure of Mankind throughout the countries, of which Homer offered us a brilliant fresco in his epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey, or Ovid’s Metamorphoses.

Well, I like that idea too – but, given this, it’s a shame that, so far, the material on offer is mainly test shots of computer monitors and random street scenes. 
Mind you, I also like the way the videos are linked to a global map, bringing back a bit of a sense of location against the anonymity of YouTube – though I wonder how well that will work when there are a lot more than eight videos on offer.
No confirmation email from our poetic webmasters as yet, but I’ll update as I try the site. Unless it really is a convoluted 419 scam…

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