Saturday, August 27, 2011...9:56 pm

Where is Freelance Unbound? On hiatus – belated notice

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Unlike those organised folk at FleetStreetBlues, who actually bother to give their readers notice that they will be doing other things than blogging for a few weeks, I just stop posting anything and let people drift away in boredom and confusion. (Or is that what happens when I do post? Hmm.)

Anyway – the doldrums of August have defeated my usually relentless and dedicated posting schedule. This is odd, as August is my lightest working month, and I should have oceans of time to comment incisively about the media, freelancing and journalism teaching. 

But August is also the month that, pretty much, I don’t give much of a toss about all that. Instead, I am spending all my time (a) being manly indoors with power tools and (b) being manly outdoors with my dog and a big red squeaky ball.

Given that I also haven’t been organised enough to persuade my readers to write the blog for me (though some are gamely having a chat in the comments), you’ll have to make do with an apology and an explanatory photo.

Normal service to be resumed in due course…

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