Friday, April 9th, 2010

Malcolm McLaren – a sub’s clarification

According to most of the media today: Malcolm McLaren dies at the age of 64 after a long battle with cancer Apparently it was diagnosed six months ago. Six months is not a “long battle”. It’s actually quite short. Also – what the hell cancer was it anyway? Every account I’ve read says “a rare form”. I’m curious […]

Friday, March 20th, 2009

Mark Kermode plays folk

Legendary (or mouthy, depending on your stance) film critic Mark (”The Exorcist is the best film ever made”) Kermode had another life in the late 1980s in which he made this demo of anti-war folk song The Recruiting Sergeant. I was on bass, which is why I can post this with impunity. Of course, the […]

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Separated at birth…

I find it strangely heartening that hedge fund manager John Paulson, who made billions betting successfully on the sub-prime debacle, bears an uncanny resemblance to ex-punk legend Hugh Cornwell, late of The Stranglers. Also, did you know Hugh Cornwell got a BA in Biochemistry from Bristol University? Nor did I. So why aren’t we seeing […]

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

Would you go and see Michael Jackson live?

This burning question popped up in this morning’s blogging masterclass – an ideal topic for a blog post, coupled with a poll question (now added to the sidebar below. Will it work? Who knows. UPDATE: Yes it does. Fantastic). So – voting in the seminar room seems to split along the lines of “Yes”, “No”, “Not […]