Monday, July 20th, 2009

Journalism: in whose interest?

Some interesting points have been made in the comments to my post about Why Paid Journalism is in Trouble. Crucially, they falls into the trap of conflating the interests of readers with those of journalists. It’s worth looking at this in a bit more depth. (Quite a bit more depth actually. Sorry if I ramble […]

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Ways to survive the media recession, part 1

Part 1;   Part 2;   Part 3;   Part 4;   Part 5; Sometime between September and Christmas last year, my business plan fell apart and I was faced with the grim prospect of actually having not enough money coming in this year. It happened to a lot of freelancers I know, all at the same time. I […]

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

London plane crash 1950: how the internet destroys history

Yes – a spectacular air crash in a north London suburb (Mill Hill, where I grew up) killed 28 people and demolished a local house. It should be all over the internet, right? It’s not. I wondered why. The story: a friend of mine asked me to research an air crash in London in the […]