Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Living history

As I’m drowning in web taxonomy at the moment, let’s take time out to enjoy last weekend’s English Heritage Festival of History. I joined 1,000 happy historic re-enacters in a field in Northamptonshire to watch a mini re-enactment of D-Day, be shown how a Sten gun worked and enjoy all the grisly details of Tudor-style […]

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Cornwall Unbound

This is what I’m dealing with at the moment. It beats newsletters about hedge funds. This is Mevagissey harbour. It’s very picturesque…

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

Why library Quick Choice stacks suck

Just popped along to the otherwise excellent Shoe Lane Library in the City of London to see if I could find the latest Scarlett Thomas, or maybe something by Lauren Groff, whose story L. Debard and Aliette in The Atlantic‘s fiction issue a few years ago was just fantastic, I thought.  Sadly, what I wanted wasn’t on the […]

Friday, February 20th, 2009

Unmitigated blogging tags

It’s all-too easy to take this blogging nonsense too seriously – you know: try to burnish each post so that it flies off the Google listing straight into readers’ browsers and pushes you to the pinnacle of the Technorati rankings. Which is why I always smile when I visit my pal Peter Ashley’s Unmitigated England […]