Monday, May 17th, 2010

Civil liberties – the progressive dilemma

What matters to those LibDem voters who hate the idea of hooking up with a Tory government? Social justice? The environment? European integration? Proportional representation? Whatever it is, it’s probably not civil liberties, as this fascinating tool from the Liberal Democrat Voice web site shows. “Authoritarian vs. liberal” tracks the voting patterns of MPs to 10 […]

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

Surfing or diving? Google and the “deep web”

Here’s an interesting piece from the Guardian about the deep web – the more than 99% (it claims) of the world wide web that is invisible to everyday search via, say, Google. Also interesting is the paper’s editorial stance on this. According to the standfirst: Freenet software allows users complete anonymity as they share viruses, […]