Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Will the iPad be the saviour of journalism? Maybe – but it could be a bitter tablet to swallow

Could the iPad be the saviour of journalism? Maybe – but only if we are able to swallow some unpalatable truths. Nielsen’s been doing some interesting research on digital tablet users (iPads and the like). Apparently they are more valuable than users on other devices, including smartphones and PCs. They like (or tolerate) advertising more, […]

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Sorry, is not the saviour of journalism

There’s been lots of hype about Murdoch’s new iPad-tastic digital news “paper” The Daily. Mainly by itself (Wired refers to its claim that it is “the newspaper of the 21st Century”.) And that link is one indication of the problem with TheDaily. I can’t actually link to the paper itself, because it’s not online – […]

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

First iPad-only magazine to launch

If this job ad is to be believed, the “World’s first iPad-only magazine” is set to hit early-adopter screens in September. Katachi claims to be “an international selection of Design, People and Business” and is recruiting for freelance journalists with “a minimum of two years’ experience or genius equivalent.” It’s an intriguing idea. Does this point to […]