Thursday, October 7, 2010...3:21 pm

State of the Blogosphere Survey – Technorati needs you

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Having posted previously about Technorati’s annual state of the blogosphere survey, I am pleased to actually take part this year.

Tellingly, one question asks me “Which best describes how frequently you blog now versus when you first launched your blog?”. To which the answer is a shameful “I blog a lot less now”. But I’ve been so busy.

There are a few problems with the survey. It’s skewed towards the usual blogging interests, so my themes of further education, journalism and digital media are not included in the checkbox list. But there’s only one “Other” field to fill in. Should I list them all? How is the information processed? I don’t know, which is a bit frustrating.

Other than that, it’s a useful nudge to get me to start posting more regularly. Any other bloggers who fancy losing 15 minutes of their life squeezing their uniquely square blog into Technorati’s somewhat round survey hole should visit The 2010 State of the Blogosphere Survey [UPDATE: survey over, check out the results here].

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