Sunday, October 10, 2010...12:24 pm
Weird site of the day –
In the first of what may turn out to be an occasional series, here’s the result of some Popbitch-inspired web trawling:
With posts titled “On Numinosity“, “Tender Buttons” and “Milk“, this is clearly a site designed for those with a most discerning intellectual curiosity.
Sample text:
Objects proliferate as never before, but they are mostly dead husks, the shells of things, wherein no daemon [1]. resides. We own them merely, or covet them, we are not nourished.
It looks like it may be an archive site for an old New York art-school magazine, and also seems to have had something to do with avant-garde muso and cartoonist Peter Blegvad – which is nice. This is what the internet should be all about.
You’ll need Shockwave for the graphics. It’s worth the download…
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