Thursday, July 14, 2011...11:29 am

Mail Online embraces the grocer’s apostrophe* – well, its one of those Lindsay Lohan storie’s

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More evidence of the shocking moral and ethical decline of the national tabloid press – now the Mail Online has let its standards slip and has embraced the grocer’s apostrophe*.
Apparently, Lindsay Lohan had her sights set on the Black Swan role that did for Natalie Portman. The Mail expresses surprise that “Lohan still thinks her acting chops are up to the standard of Oscar-winning actress’ such as Natalie Portman”.
Yes, confusion over the plural form of words ending in “s” or “ss” has finally reached that bastion of old-fashioned education values, the Mail. Looking forward to seeing reports of politicians being given “free reign” and newspapers being forced to “tow the line” soon.
Also, it’s lovely to see that, despite its lapse into modern punctuation, the Mail is still strictly enforcing its house style of calling female film stars “actresses”, when the luvvies switched to the gender-neutral “actor” years ago.

*Freelance Unbound house style is for a singular grocer’s apostrophe. Please refer all debate on this to Ranting Subs

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