Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

What journalism can learn from internet marketers

Given the turmoil in professional media at the moment, there’s been a fair amount of talk about entrepreneurial journalism recently (ie if no one else is going to pay you for being a journalist, maybe you’ll have to figure out a way of making it work as a business yourself). As it happens, I’ve been […]

Monday, January 18th, 2010

News:rewired – your handy guide

#newsrw Rather than adding too much to the slew of news:rewired reviews and analysis, here’s a handy guide to some of the coverage session by session. For all your Twittering and Flickring needs, check out the news:rewired site’s Buzz page. ( has prepared its own catch-up guide, which is doubtless better. They organised it, after […]

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

News:rewired session – crowdsourcing

#newsrw As reported elsewhere, the Crowdsourcing session at news:rewired was a fractious affair. Setting that aside – here are some lessons learned. Key question: Does crowdsourcing = crowd following? Make sure you’re doing what journalists normally do – go to where people talk and eavesdrop. Ruth Barnett, multimedia producer at Sky News, outlined some of […]

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

News:rewired session – multimedia journalism

#newsrw Some tips from Adam Westbrook on creating an effective audio slideshow. [vimeo width=”266″ height=”200″][/vimeo]Why a slideshow? It’s cheaper and easier than video – and there’s less messing around. Can better focus on the story. Tips for success Focus on story and character Pre-interview your subject by phone – work out your story in advance […]

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

News:rewired session – making money online

#newsrw Some good lessons from the news:rewired panel on How can journalism support itself online? SoGlos deputy editor James Fryer offered the five dos and don’ts of starting up online. His prediction: quality, professional journalism is key to success and will see a resurgence in the next decade. User-generated content is not enough to attract […]

Friday, January 15th, 2010

Big thanks to news:rewired team

#newsrw Yesterday’s news:rewired event did indeed prove to be worth 80 quid – good speakers, good panels, good audience (except in the Crowdsourcing session – get over yourselves, journalism “professionals”). Big thanks are due to Laura Oliver, Judith Townend and the team. There’s a whole slew of material blogged and Twittered already (just check the […]