Monday, April 27th, 2009

How to build your online community

No, it’s not advice from me. It’s advice from hyperactive blogmeister John Scalzi, who has posted a handy video of a forum from the Tools of Change online media publishing conference thing in New York in February. I was aware of the event, and it looked very interesting. I would have liked to have gone […]

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

The slow, sad death of print #2

Just as Haymarket canned Promotions & Incentive‘s print edition, it also made Marketing Direct web-only. I’m not as sad about this, though I did work on its launch about 10 years ago and have written and subbed on it over the years, so it does affect me. And like P&I, the web-only move means just […]

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

The slow, sad death of print #1

A sad day for me recently with the news that one of my very first freelance titles is closing its print edition. Haymarket has decided that Promotions and Incentives mag isn’t cost effective to print and distribute any more. I am genuinely sorry. Obviously that’s because I won’t get to write any more thrilling features […]

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

Money, sex and power

That’s what we all want – and basically that’s what you won’t get as a freelance writer/journalist or sub-editor. Not directly, anyway. And in the case of money, not promptly. So why bother? Why put in the hours of creative fervour and spend all that time parsing sentences correctly in order to turn in polished […]