Monday, November 29th, 2010

World’s most boring news day – True Knowledge search engine fail

It’s actually obvious from the reporting, but somehow last week’s coverage of “The world’s most boring news day” misses the point. As part of the publicity campaign for search engine True Knowledge, “experts” used a computer search of world events to pinpoint 11 April 1954 as the most boring day of the 20th century. Yet […]

Friday, September 18th, 2009

Google’s “real-time hack”

The tech world is abuzz with the news that there is a not-so secret URL hack to change a normal Google search string into a near-live search.  Which is exciting because it makes a Google search like Twitter! And we know how much the media loves Twitter.  Trouble is, the reports all seem to rely […]

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

I can't seem to StumbleUpon myself

I recently reported a minor traffic spike from a bookmark on Reddit, which rekindled my interest in social bookmarking sites.  So imagine my excitement when I got an inbound referring link from StumbleUpon, which is one step better at number three in the social bookmarking rankings.  “One of our members added your page to the Writing […]

Thursday, May 14th, 2009

Google is down…

…and I feel as if I’ve lost a limb. Something is clearly wrong with this picture. Repeat: it’s only software, it’s only software… [And there are actually other search engines. Who’d have thought?]