Thursday, August 4th, 2011

Modern media is rubbish #7: “We forgot to authenticate that single mum’s amnesia story last week”

A bit late, but here’s a few problems with that really great human interest amnesia story from last week: when 34-year-old Naomi Jacobs (or 35-year-old, depending which version you read) woke up in 2008 convinced she was 15. Naomi Jacobs, of Manchester, recalled nothing after 1992, did not know she had a son and thought […]

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Missing the News of the World? Metro offers a handy daily substitute

If anyone’s getting withdrawal symptoms from the lack of their News of the World fix on Sundays, take heart. There’s a daily dose of trashy inanity readily available in your inbox or local bus. As a selection of headlines from last week’s Metro shows, even the middle market media are trying gallantly to fill the […]

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

No money in classified advertising? Thank goodness sex sells…

Here’s a fantastic argument against the privacy super-injunction by journalism professor Tim Luckhurst in today’s Sun. Essentially it boils down to this: Without stories about sex and celebs to attract readers, this country will lose popular papers that for over a century have made it a genuine people’s democracy. So – the key reason it […]

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Schoolgirls and sexy trousers – a clarification

I had to read the first paragraph of this Metro splash twice to ensure I didn’t misinterpret what was going on: “Schoolgirls are being told to take off their ‘too sexy’ trousers when they arrive for lessons…” Uh – oh, I see. Then they put on some other trousers that aren’t sexy. Phew – that […]